Philadelphia Guild History

Celebrating 80+ Years of Puppetry
Celebrating 80+ Years of Puppetry:
From Quaker Village Puppeteers to the Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild
​The first guild in Philadelphia was founded Oct 17, 1938, by Emma Louise Warfield as the Quaker Village Puppeteers. The guild was chartered by Puppeteers of America on Jan 9, 1940. The guild incorporated as a non-profit on Feb 15, 1978; granted 501(c) (3) by IRS July 30, 1980. The guild name changed to the Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild in 1992, IRS status under new name confirmed July 25, 1993.
Championing Puppetry Arts:
GPAG’s Legacy of Hosting Regional and National Festivals Since 1983
Philadelphia was the sponsoring or co-sponsoring guild for 6 POFA Regional Festivals [Glassboro '83, Fairfax '86, Bryn Mawr ’88, Bryn Mawr '90, Bryn Mawr '92, Bryn Mawr '02]. Three guild festivals [Philadelphia - QVP '84, Philadelphia - GPAPG '14, Philadelphia - GPAPG '15]. We were also the sponsoring guild for two national festivals [Bryn Mawr '95 & Swarthmore College, ‘13].
Reviving a Legacy:
GPAG Reconnects Through Virtual Platforms After Decades of Leadership and Community Engagement
Over the years, the guild has conducted numerous workshops, performance presentations, exhibits and days of puppetry for the community. Members of the guild have held many national offices including Regional Director, POFA Board member, POFA national committee chairs, POFA Vice-President, POFA Budget & Finance Chair, POFA President, Puppetry Journal Editor, UNIMA-USA Board Member, UNIMA-USA Citation Chair, UNIMA-USA World Conference Counselor, UNIMA-USA Vice-President & UNIMA-USA President.
The guild had many meeting places we called our own, including the Strawbridge & Clothier Community Room, the Wayne Art Center and most recently, until 2017, the Please Touch Museum. GPAPG now prides itself on providing virtual access to workshops in addition to in-person events so that we may serve a wider geographic area.
National Leadership:
GPAPG Members Serving in Prestigious Puppetry and UNIMA-USA Roles
​​National Offices held by GPAPG members:
POFA Regional Directors: Emma Louise Warfield, Casey Hawn, George Neff, Tom Tucker, Marianne Tucker, Steve Abrams, Bill Scott
​POFA Board: Emma Louise Warfield, George Neff, Tom Tucker, Marianne Tucker, Steve Abrams, Joe Cashore
​POFA Officers: Tom Tucker (Finance Chair, Vice President, President) Steve Abrams (President, Editor of The Puppetry Journal)
​UNIMA-USA Board: Marianne Tucker, Steve Abrams
​UNIMA-USA Officers: Marianne Tucker (Citation Chair, Vice President, President)