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What is the Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild?Our mission is to encourage and promote puppetry as a means of communication, an extension of human expression and as a performing art: to enhance the proficiency and the art of puppetry, both professional and amateur, by publications, workshops, conventions, or festivals, lectures, advisory services and any and all of other means and methods. GPAPG will operate exclusively for charitable educational purposes.
What is the Puppeteers of America?Puppeteers of America is a national non-profit organization founded in 1937 to provide information, encourage performances, and build a community of people who celebrate puppet theatre. They support puppeteers and advance the art of puppetry by presenting knowledge, providing inspiration and promoting preservation. Knowledge. Inspiration. Preservation. The specific purpose of Puppeteers of America, Inc. is educational. To instruct the public and raise awareness about puppetry as a means of communication, an extension of human expression, and as a performing art. This includes teaching the community about the importance of puppetry as well as enhancing the proficiency of the Art of Puppetry, both professional and amateur, by publications, educational materials, workshops, forums, conventions, festivals, panels, lectures, advisory services, and all other means and methods. Puppeteers of America has produced over 160 national and regional festivals to celebrate and share the art of puppetry. The organization publishes the quarterly magazine, The Puppetry Journal. Founded in 1949, The Puppetry Journal provides a continuing chronicle of contemporary puppetry.
What types of puppetry are there?*This answer is coming soon*
How often does the Guild meet?The GPAPG holds four(4) Guild Meetings per year, quarterly. You can find dates and times for Guild Meetings and other events using the button below.
How do I join a meeting?If you are a member, you will receive four(4) emails before a Guild Meeting. The first email will come thirty(30) days before the meeting with a link to add to your calendar and a form to fill out if you want to present something at the meeting. The second email will come seven(7) days before the meeting with a Zoom Link, a link to add to your calendar, and another opportunity to fill out the form if you want to present something at the meeting. The third email will come twenty-four(24) hours before the meeting as a reminder, will have the Zoom link, and a last chance to fill out the form. The final email will come one(1) hour before the meeting as a reminder and will have the Zoom link. If you are not a member, you are allowed to attend two(2) meetings before you must become a member. You can request to attend a Guild Meeting by filling out the form on the Contact page by selecting "Attend A Meeting Request" in the "Contact Options" field.
Do I need an account to be a member?Yes. In order to access the members-only pages, the website needs to know you are a member.
How do I create an account?You can create an account at checkout when buying a membership or by clicking the "Log-In" button in the top right.
Can multiple people use the same account?No. While we do have membership plans that give membership to multiple people under one plan, each person needs to create an account for membership to be applied to it. This is due to event management. Some events will have a maximum occupancy, so if multiple people use the same account and sign up, the website would only count that account as one person. Please use one of the links below to go to the membership pages and click the "Apply Membership to Other Accounts" button to let us know other accounts you want connected to your membership.
The "My Account" page has fields asking for personal information. How is that data used?This information will not be shared or sold by the GPAPG. Filling out these fields will help the GPAPG understand our members and removes the need for a yearly survey. You can chose what information is public by clicking on the padlock next to each field. If setting your information to public, anyone with a link to your profile can see it. Doing this can allow you to use your profile professionally for potential clients and employers. Use the buttons below for more details and how we use other data.
Do I have to be a member to participate?*****Most things are members only, these things are available to non-members:*****list non member things****This answer is coming soon****
How do I become a member?GPAPG encourages anyone interested in puppetry to join the guild. Head to our Membership page to view our available memberships and their benefits. Membership dues supports our efforts to support and promote puppetry in a variety of ways. We also offer interested parties to attend 2 meetings as our guest.
What kinds of memberships are available?We currently have Student, Individual, Family, and Company memberships available. You can view their prices, requirements, and benefits on the Membership page.
What are some of the benefits to being a member?You can view all the benefits on the Membership page.
I am not near Philadelphia. Can I still be a member?****This answer is coming soon*****
What kinds of events do you offer?Board Meetings - Exclusively for the board to discuss inner workings Guild Meetings - An event where general membership and the board exchange information and updates on projects Workshop - An event where participants are taught to make something physical Tutorial - An event where participants are taught how to do something Lecture - An event where participants are informed about a specified subject Meet & Greets - An event where participants meet at a specific place to discuss various topics or a special guest meets with members Open Mic Night - An event where any member can perform any short puppetry act they would like Puppet Slam - An event where a curated list of puppeteers perform short puppetry acts Tour - An event where members are taken through an area normally closed off to the public Film Festival - An event where puppetry films are shown More details are shown on the Membership page
How do I join a meeting?If you are a member, you will receive four(4) emails before a Guild Meeting. The first email will come thirty(30) days before the meeting with a link to add to your calendar and a form to fill out if you want to present something at the meeting. The second email will come seven(7) days before the meeting with a Zoom Link, a link to add to your calendar, and another opportunity to fill out the form if you want to present something at the meeting. The third email will come twenty-four(24) hours before the meeting as a reminder, will have the Zoom link, and a last chance to fill out the form. The final email will come one(1) hour before the meeting as a reminder and will have the Zoom link. If you are not a member, you are allowed to attend two(2) meetings before you must become a member. You can request to attend a Guild Meeting by filling out the form on the Contact page by selecting "Attend A Meeting Request" in the "Contact Options" field.
I have membership. Why am I being charged for tickets to events?Your membership applies a 100% discount to tickets after they have been added to your cart but before checkout.
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