Marianne Tucker
My name is Marianne Tucker and I have been serving as treasurer of GPAPG for years. I am a full time professional puppeteer (Tuckers’ Tales Puppet Theatre with Tom Tucker) and musician so puppetry is always a part of my life. We build our own puppets, stages, scenery and write our own scripts. Some of our shows are original and some are based on folk tales, Irish tales and traditional children’s stories. Our puppet styles are hand, hand and rod, shadow and rod.
I’ve served as Mid-Atlantic Regional Director and Board member for PofA. I‘m currently serving on the UNIMA-USA board (The USA chapter of the international puppetry organization) for the third time and I am the president. I’ve served as an officer and as a councilor representing UNIMA-USA to UNIMA (international). I treasure the contacts I’ve made nationally and internationally and hope to continue to make new contacts and friends. I’m looking forward to learning about new projects and working with the new board.