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Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild

Emma - Philadelphia Inquirer (11-30-52).jpg

Philadelphia's Guild History

Emma Louise Warfield,                  Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/30/1952

Emma Louise Warfield founded the Quaker Village Puppeteers on Oct 17, 1938. The Puppeteers of America then chartered the Quaker Village Guild on January 9, 1940. The guild was incorporated to a non-profit on February 15, 1978 and granted 501(c) (3) status by IRS on July 30, 1980. The guild changed its name to the Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild (GPAPG) in 1992. The IRS confirmed their new name on July 25, 1993. To this day the GPAPG and the Puppeteers of America offer scholarships to members funded by Emma Louise Warfield.


The guilds have been instrumental in the world of puppetry locally and nationally. It was the sponsoring or co-sponsoring guild for six Puppeteers of America Regional Festivals: Glassboro 1983, Fairfax 1986 and Bryn Mawr 1988, 1990, 1992 and 2002. The guild held 3 Philadelphia Festivals: Quaker Village 1984, GPAPG 2014 and GPAPG 2015. The guild was also the sponsoring guild for two Puppeteers of America National Festivals: Bryn Mawr 1995 and Swarthmore College 2013.


Over the years the guild had many meeting places, including the Strawbridge & Clothier Community Room, the Wayne Art Center and most recently, until 2017, the Please Touch Museum. After losing that facility the guild became less & less active and then ceased to meet altogether. The guilds inactive period was unfortunately prolonged by the COVID pandemic.


Immediately after the 2023 Puppeteers of America National Puppetry Festival, a group of Philadelphia-based attendees committed to reviving the guild and on Oct. 8th, 2023 a new board will be formed and its membership solidified through a ZOOM-based model.


National Offices held by Philadelphia Guild Members

Marianne Tucker is currently serving as president of  Union Internationale de la Marionette (UNIMA-USA) for the 2023-2024. UNIMA-USA is the USA chapter of this international puppetry organization.

Puppeteers of America Regional Directors: Emma Louise Warfield, Casey Hawn, George Neff, Tom Tucker, Marianne Tucker and Bill Scott.

Puppeteers of America Board: Emma Louise Warfield, George Neff, Tom Tucker, Marianne Tucker, and Steve Abrams.

Puppeteers of America Officers: Tom Tucker (Finance Chair, Vice President, President) Steve Abrams (President)

UNIMA-USA Board: Marianne Tucker

UNIMA-USA Officers: Marianne Tucker (Citation Chair, Vice President, President)


Philadelphia Guild Member National Performances

Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild

©2023 by Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild. Proudly created with

The Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild  is an equal opportunity nonprofit organization and will not allow discrimination based on age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.

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