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Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild


Useful Information

Below you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our activities, meetings, and more. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re always happy to help.


Do I have to be a member to participate?

GPAPG encourages anyone interested in puppetry to join the guild. To join, head to our JOIN webpage to process your membership application. Membership dues supports our efforts to support and promote puppetry in a variety of ways. We also offer interested parties to attend 2 meetings as our guest. Please check our full website to see what activities are upcoming.


How often does Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild meet?

As of October 2023, the GPAPG is in the process of rebuilding and our meeting schedule for the end of 2023 and 2024 has not yet been finalized. We do intend to hold 4-6 meetings per year, workshops and potpourris. Stay tuned for more information. We hope you will join us and become an active member of the guild!


How do I join a meeting for the first time?

After joining we will reach out to you to confirm your membership is active and you will receive all guild communication and zoom invitations.

Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild

©2023 by Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild. Proudly created with

The Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild  is an equal opportunity nonprofit organization and will not allow discrimination based on age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.

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